Tamara's Ramblings

Rambling leads to new ideas, new friends, new adventures and to people simply getting tired of listening to me.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Day Four of Twenty

The early mornings are catching up with me. I think the excitement of the new job got me through the first 3 days, but today I am tired. I have actually adapted to the change in shifts well. I have been going to bed at 11 pm and waking up with no problem. But after the lunch break I struggle to keep my eyes open!

We were given an english manual for the course material yesterday! It helped me out sooo much. At least I can translate the medical terms, which will help with my future charting. I use the french manual to follow in class, then come home and read it in English.

Yesterday we did respiratory systems and head and neck exam/trauma. It was a full day, but the teacher was excellent and fully bilingual (he is a MD from France). Today we covered Gastrointestinal system and inner ear infections. Both topics were very difficult and will require much studying :(

The things that gets to me most is the traffic. The 40 west at 5pm is CRAZY! It is faster for me to take the service road than try to merge onto the 40 at cote vertu. I do not know how people commute on a daily basis!


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