Tamara's Ramblings

Rambling leads to new ideas, new friends, new adventures and to people simply getting tired of listening to me.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Practice the French!!

Second day of training. It is funny, because you would never guess by the way nurses are hired to work up north, but it is a fact that the Inuit speak English and not French!! For the exception of my friends and myself, all the nurses are francophone with limited English. All the teachers are french, the company is french, the manuals are french, the exams are french, and the lectures are in french. I find it funny that I needed to do my interview in french, when the population I will serve will be English speaking!!??

Anyways, I am not trying to complain. I am actually impressed with myself, as I have had no difficulty understanding the content......until this afternoon. We covered the central nervous system, the 12 pairs of cranial nerves, and how to evaluate them physically on a patient. I have already learned 60% of this content 7 years ago in nursing school, and I had not retained much. The problem is that the medical terms are all in french. The terminology is not typical french conversation. I had to come home and use the Internet and find all the content in English in order to fully absorb it. Hopefully the other systems of the body will have easier terminology....hopefully.


  • At 9:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That is odd, about the language stuff. Maybe if the nursing body overseeing this highlighted the practical and real requirement for English skills/abilities, they would:
    A) alienate a large segment of the nursing population and/or
    B) generate a complaint (remember the controversy some time back about the Montreal Chinese hospital's ad for a nurse requiring that the candidate speak Mandarin?
    Imagine the audacity for such a requirement!)


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